What We Do

GW78CARES is a non-profit organization created by alumni of the George Washington Class of 1978 to support fellow classmates in times of need. By hosting fundraising activities and collecting donations, we create a fund to help the members of our community who have fallen on hard times.

How It Works

Contributions go directly to benefiting those in need. Fundraising activities will be announced on our Facebook page, and donations can be sent through PayPal and Venmo. Your generous actions help to support our fellow classmates and community members.

Protecting Privacy

We respect our community’s privacy. For this reason, the names of the alumni we help may not be released. To learn more information, please contact us. A member of our team will assist you in answering any questions.

Do you know of someone in need?

You can let us know discreetly through our online contact form. We respect our alumni’s privacy.

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Spread the word, reach out to other alumni, and keep up-to-date on important updates.